This page implements the Poisson community algorithm of Ball, Karrer and Newman (2011). The visualization is based on Mike Bostock's d3.js force-directed map demo. Reload the page to start with a new random initialization.
Here's the community detection code. View source for context.
graph.nodes.forEach( function(node) { node.communities = []; node.communityBuffer = []; for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { // Initialize with a small Exponential variate node.communities[community] = 0.01 * -Math.log(Math.random()); node.communityBuffer[community] = 0.0; } }); var communitySums = []; for (var iteration = 0; iteration < 20; iteration++) { for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { communitySums[community] = 0.0; } // Estimate community memberships for each edge graph.links.forEach( function(edge) { var sourceCommunities = graph.nodes[ edge.source ].communities; var targetCommunities = graph.nodes[ ].communities; var distribution = []; // Multiply the two community membership vectors for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { distribution[community] = sourceCommunities[community] * targetCommunities[community]; } // Normalize and add to the gradient var normalizer = edge.value / d3.sum(distribution); for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { distribution[community] *= normalizer; communitySums[community] += distribution[community]; graph.nodes[ edge.source ].communityBuffer[community] += distribution[community]; graph.nodes[ ].communityBuffer[community] += distribution[community]; } }); // We need to divide each node value by the square root of the community sum. var communityNormalizers = [] for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { communityNormalizers[community] = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(communitySums[community]); } // Update parameters and clear the buffer. graph.nodes.forEach( function(node) { for (var community = 0; community < numCommunities; community++) { node.communities[community] = node.communityBuffer[community] * communityNormalizers[community]; node.communityBuffer[community] = 0.0; } }); }